Greater Tuckahoe Area
Merchants Association

About Us

GTAMA offers several scholarships with separate applications for each. Examine the list and choose the scholarships that match your situation.

We have also added a current membership form to the site. Click GTAMA in the menu bar at the top of the page to download a membership form.
Hopefully, we will soon be able to meet and work together in person. You will find information about GTAMA activities here as soon as that occurs.

Have you used AmazonSmile yet? It works in your Amazon app, too.

Once you are signed in to AmazonSmile (, all you need to do is identify Greater Tuckahoe Area Merchants Association (GTAMA doesn’t work) as your favored recipient. For any purchases you make on AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate a percentage of your total to the GTAMA in support of our local scholarship fund. Give it a try. This is an easy way to make a donation for Tuckahoe Area students. Try to make a habit of signing into instead of Only purchases through generate a donation from Amazon to Greater Tuckahoe Area Merchants Association.

Tuckahoe is rich in history, and it is our pleasure to share it with you.

We encourage you to find out more about this wonderful area, enjoy the hospitality of its residents, explore the unique shops and restaurants which we offer, or take a ride back in time on the Cape May Seashore Line. So come back often and enjoy the ride! We’re definitely worth the trip!
