The GTAMA sponsors two scholarship programs each year, one for high school students just starting college and a second for students already enrolled in a post-secondary school. The Greater Tuckahoe Area Merchants’ Association offers educational scholarships to students who reside within the geographic boundaries of the Association and meet certain eligibility requirements.
Since 1998 the association has awarded approximately $157,500 to 76 students from the Greater Tuckahoe Area. On July 8, the 18th group of local students received their awards.

These scholars are members of the Class of 2015 having just received their high school diplomas. You can see individual photos in the slide show below.
Left to right – Front row
Anna Elmer, Emily Grant, Kristi Maund, Devon Terwilliger, Fiona Devine, Andrea Sharp, Rosa Martinez, Madison Knapp
Left to right – Back Row
Bill Eisele (Scholarship Chair), Brooke Surran, William Bailey, Kyle Conrad, Ed Carter.

These students all received scholarships based on a minimum 3.0 GPA while attending college. Individual photos are below in the slide show.
Returning Students
Left to right – Front row
Elyse Huber, Shannon Joyce, Jackie Davis, Jennifer Campbell, Lauren Norbury, Alissa Petrella
Left to right – Back Row
Bill Eisele (Scholarship Chair), Ashley Conrad, Elizabeth Davis, Kevin Birk, Steve Campbell,
Joe Devine, Roland Bonner, Ashley Carter
Not Pictured – Patrick Birk, Jake Eisele, Ashley Surran, Kimberly Surran, Garret Terwilliger,
Anna Unsworth